home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #define NAME "XpkMaster"
- #define REVISION "30"
- #define ENDCODE
- /* Programmheader
- Name: XpkMaster
- Author: SDI
- Distribution: PD
- Description: Prefs program for XpkMaster
- Compileropts: -
- Linkeropts: -l amiga
- ToDo: speed up refresh, by flags based choose of to
- refresh gadgets
- 1.0 10.11.96 : first Version, incomplete, started to form GUI
- 1.1 11.11.96 : corrected, added the code a bit
- 1.2 16.11.96 : some more stuff
- 1.3 17.11.96 : completed GUI
- 1.4 20.11.96 : added more functions
- 1.5 21.11.96 : added icon creation, corrected some stuff
- 1.6 23.11.96 : corrected some stuff
- 1.7 24.11.96 : added loading and cleaned up source
- 1.8 30.11.96 : fixed some errors, still working incorrect
- 1.9 01.12.96 : and again some bugfixes
- 1.10 07.12.96 : correct Default dir in asl request and wb call
- 1.11 12.12.96 : fixed crash problem, when called by project icon with
- 1.12 13.12.96 : made the window a bit smaller for larger texts and fonts
- 1.13 14.12.96 : changed the Prefs include XPKM -> XPKT, XPKD -> XPKM,
- other member prefixes
- 1.14 20.12.96 : fixed Enforcer hit (I finally have a MMU :-) and little
- error
- 1.15 25.12.96 : corrected List handling
- 1.16 26.12.96 : once again changed xpkprefs.h -> now should be last time,
- because I wrote the prefs support for master library
- 1.17 29.12.96 : fixed bug with XPKM flags
- 1.18 09.01.97 : changed default flags
- 1.19 11.01.97 : splitted master library and prefs catalog
- 1.20 01.03.97 : changed XpkMainPrefs structure a bit
- 1.21 07.03.97 : recompiled, because of structures additions
- 1.22 08.03.97 : fixed a crash causing typo error
- 1.23 02.04.97 : changed XpkTypeData structure
- 1.24 03.04.97 : fixed error
- 1.25 04.04.97 : fixed error in texts
- 1.26 10.04.97 : default entry now 1 and not 0
- 1.27 18.05.97 : corrected internal string
- 1.28 31.05.97 : SDI_locale changed
- 1.29 17.06.97 : now prints entry name for illegal entry
- 1.30 18.06.97 : library name file requester got wrong value
- */
- #include <pragma/exec_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/intuition_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/dos_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/icon_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/gadtools_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/graphics_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/asl_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/iffparse_lib.h>
- #include <xpk/xpkprefs.h>
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #include <prefs/prefhdr.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include "SDI_defines.h"
- #include "SDI_locale.c"
- #include "SDI_ASM_STD_protos.h"
- /* ------------------ defines and structures --------------------------- */
- #define GADGET(a) ((struct Gadget *) a->IAddress)
- #define STRINF(a) ((struct StringInfo *) (a->SpecialInfo))
- #define DEFNODE(a) ((struct PackerNode *) ((a)->ld_List.lh_Head))
- #define PicSize 509 // size of the icon
- enum {
- STRING_TypeName = 100, LISTVIEW, BUTTON_New,
- STRING_NamePatt, STRING_FilePatt, STRING_LibraryName,
- BUTTON_Use, BUTTON_Chancel
- };
- #define PREF_VERSION 0 // version of prefs I can work with
- #define DEFAULT_NODE 100
- #define PACKER_NODE 101
- #define DEF_TIMEOUT 120
- #define DEF_XPKM_FLAGS (XPKM_AutoPassword | XPKM_UseExternals)
- #define DEF_CYCLE 2 // XTD_ReturnError
- // window style defines
- #define SEPARATE_SAME 2
- #define SEPARATE_DIFF 5
- #define SEPARATE_BORD 5
- #define TypeSIZE 49
- #define NamePattSIZE 49
- #define FilePattSIZE 99
- struct PackerNode {
- struct Node pn_Node;
- ULONG pn_StdID;
- UWORD pad; /* always StdID finished with 0 byte */
- UWORD pn_Mode;
- ULONG pn_ChunkSize;
- ULONG pn_Cycle;
- UBYTE pn_TypeName[TypeSIZE+1];
- UBYTE pn_NamePattern[NamePattSIZE+1];
- UBYTE pn_FilePattern[FilePattSIZE+1];
- };
- struct ListData {
- struct List ld_List;
- struct PackerNode *ld_curNode;
- ULONG ld_entries;
- ULONG ld_curNumber;
- };
- struct Args {
- STRPTR from;
- ULONG edit;
- ULONG use;
- ULONG save;
- STRPTR pubscreen;
- ULONG createicons;
- };
- /* ----------------------------- Strings ------------------------------- */
- #define NUMBER_MENUMAIN 11
- enum {
- GADG_Save, GADG_Use, GADG_Cancel,
- GADG_Use_XFD, GADG_Use_Externals, GADG_AutoPassword,
- GADG_Timeout, GADG_New, GADG_Delete,
- GADG_Up, GADG_Down, GADG_Name_Pattern,
- GADG_File_Pattern, GADG_Library_Name, GADG_Mode,
- };
- #define NUMBER_SLIDER 3
- struct SDI_SetLocale initloc[] = {
- { 420, NUMBER_OTHER, TEXT_START_OTHER}, // all other texts
- { 450, NUMBER_SLIDER, TEXT_START_SLIDER}, // Slider texts
- { 460, NUMBER_GADGET, TEXT_START_GADGET}, // Gadgettexts
- { 0, 0, 0}, // Ende
- };
- STRPTR text[] =
- {
- "Project",
- "O\0Open...",
- "M\0Load Add...",
- "A\0Save As...",
- "Q\0Quit",
- "Edit",
- "D\0Reset To Defaults",
- "L\0Last Saved",
- "R\0Restore",
- "Settings",
- "I\0Create Icons?",
- "XpkMaster Preferences", // the window title
- "«default»", // the default pack mode
- "«new»",
- "Select xpk or xex library",
- "Load XpkMaster preferences",
- "Save XpkMaster preferences",
- "Program Error",
- "Error accessing file\n%s\n%s",
- "Requires %s V%ld",
- "Prefs file version to high,\nloaded data may be incomplete.",
- "Error processing IFF file",
- "%s of entry %ld (%s)\nis illegal, cannot save.",
- "Could not open window,\nthe used font is too large.",
- "OK",
- "Save",
- "Use",
- "Cancel",
- "Use XFD", // the checkboxes
- "Use XEX",
- "Auto password",
- "Timeout", // the timeout integer
- "New", // the Listview
- "Delete",
- "Up",
- "Down",
- "Name Pattern",
- "File Pattern",
- "Library Name",
- "Mode",
- "ChunkSize",
- "PackMode",
- "pack xpk or xex",
- "do not pack",
- "return error",
- 0,
- };
- STRPTR toolt[] =
- {
- "EDIT",
- "USE",
- "SAVE",
- };
- /* ---------------------- protos and variables ------------------------- */
- struct RDArgs *rda = 0;
- struct Library *GadToolsBase = 0,
- *IconBase = 0,
- *UtilityBase = 0,
- *AslBase = 0,
- *IFFParseBase = 0;
- struct LocaleBase *LocaleBase = 0;
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase = 0;
- struct GfxBase *GfxBase = 0;
- struct Screen *Scr = 0;
- APTR VisualInfo = 0;
- struct Window *window = 0;
- struct Gadget *gadgList = 0,
- *gadgdata[12];
- /* List, NamePatt, FilePatt, LibraryName, GetImage, Mode, ChunkSize, Cycle,
- TimeOut, XFD, Extern, Pwd */
- struct Menu *menus = 0;
- struct DiskObject *diskobject = 0;
- ULONG lock = 0,
- DosVersion = 37,
- TimeOut = DEF_TIMEOUT,
- struct ListData maindata = {{(struct Node *) &maindata.ld_List.lh_Tail,
- 0, (struct Node *) &maindata.ld_List.lh_Head, NT_USER, 0}, 0, 0, 0};
- UBYTE namestring[256];
- struct SDI_LocaleData locdat = {"xpkmasterprefs.catalog", 1, 0,0,0,0};
- #ifdef __MAXON__
- extern "C" void wbmain(struct WBStartup *);
- void main(void);
- #else
- void wbmain(struct WBStartup *);
- void main(int argc, char **argv);
- #endif
- void Work(struct Args *);
- void CorrectAdr(APTR, APTR);
- void CopyStrings(STRPTR, STRPTR, ULONG);
- void CopyLibName(struct XpkTypeData *, struct PackerNode *);
- void ReadXPKM(struct XpkMainPrefs *, struct ListData *);
- ULONG ReadXPKT(struct XpkTypePrefs *, struct ListData *);
- ULONG WriteXPKM(struct IFFHandle *);
- ULONG WriteXPKT(struct IFFHandle *, struct PackerNode *, ULONG);
- void PrintError(STRPTR, ...);
- void FileReq(void);
- void FreeListView(void);
- void ResetListView(ULONG, struct ListData *);
- void SetMainData(void);
- ULONG DoWindow(void);
- void NewPackerList(struct ListData *);
- void FreePackerList(struct ListData *);
- struct Node *FindNode(struct List *, ULONG);
- struct PackerNode *NewPackerNode(struct ListData *, STRPTR, struct PackerNode *, ULONG);
- struct NewMenu NewMenus[] = {
- NM_TITLE, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_ITEM, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN+1], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_ITEM, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN+2], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_ITEM, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN+3], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_ITEM, (STRPTR) NM_BARLABEL, 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_ITEM, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN+4], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_TITLE, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN+5], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_ITEM, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN+6], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_ITEM, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN+7], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_ITEM, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN+8], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_TITLE, (STRPTR) &text[TEXT_START_MENUMAIN+9], 0, 0, 0, 0,
- NM_END, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- ULONG PicData[] = {
- 0xE3100001,0x00000000,0x0023000F,0x00360017,0x00050003,0x00010044,
- 0x39A00000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000001,
- 0x049C004D,0x0CE00033,0x80F88000,0x00008000,0x00000000,0x00000000,
- 0x00000000,0x10000000,0x00000036,0x00170002,0x00024288,0x03000000,
- 0x00000000,0x00000004,0x00000000,0x00000001,0x00000000,0x07FF8000,
- 0x40000000,0x18006000,0x10000000,0x20FC1000,0x08000000,0x41020800,
- 0x0C000000,0x40820800,0x0C000000,0x40820800,0x0C000000,0x21040800,
- 0x0C000000,0x1E181000,0x0C000000,0x00602000,0x0C000000,0x0080C000,
- 0x0C000000,0x01030000,0x0C000000,0x021C0000,0x0C000000,0x01080000,
- 0x0C000000,0x00F00000,0x0C000000,0x01080000,0x0C000000,0x01080000,
- 0x0C004000,0x00F00000,0x0C001000,0x00000000,0x0C000400,0x00000000,
- 0x0C0001FF,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFC000000,0x00000000,0x0000FFFF,0xFFFFFFF8,
- 0x0000D555,0x55555556,0x0000D555,0x50005555,0x8000D555,0x47FF9555,
- 0x6000D555,0x5F03E555,0x5000D555,0x3E55F555,0x5000D555,0x3F55F555,
- 0x5000D555,0x3F55F555,0x5000D555,0x5E53F555,0x5000D555,0x4147E555,
- 0x5000D555,0x551FD555,0x5000D555,0x557F1555,0x5000D555,0x54FC5555,
- 0x5000D555,0x55E15555,0x5000D555,0x54F55555,0x5000D555,0x55055555,
- 0x5000D555,0x54F55555,0x5000D555,0x54F55555,0x50003555,0x55055555,
- 0x50000D55,0x55555555,0x50000355,0x55555555,0x50000000,0x00000000,
- 0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00145359,0x533A5072,0x6566732F,
- 0x58706B4D,0x61737465,0x72000000,0x00080000,0x000B4143,0x54494F4E,
- 0x3D555345,0x00000000,
- };
- /* -------------------------- central functions ------------------------ */
- void wbmain(struct WBStartup *wb)
- {
- struct Args args = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- if(wb->sm_NumArgs > 2 || !wb->sm_NumArgs)
- lock = CurrentDir(wb->sm_ArgList[wb->sm_NumArgs-1].wa_Lock);
- if((IconBase = OpenLibrary("icon.library", 37)) &&
- (diskobject = GetDiskObject(wb->sm_ArgList[wb->sm_NumArgs-1].wa_Name)))
- {
- STRPTR a, *c = (STRPTR *) diskobject->do_ToolTypes;
- if(wb->sm_NumArgs == 2)
- args.from = wb->sm_ArgList[1].wa_Name;
- args.edit = (ULONG) FindToolType(c, toolt[0]);
- args.use = (ULONG) FindToolType(c, toolt[1]);
- args.save = (ULONG) FindToolType(c, toolt[2]);
- args.pubscreen = FindToolType(c, toolt[3]);
- if((a = FindToolType(c, toolt[4])))
- {
- if(MatchToolValue(a, "YES"))
- args.createicons = 1;
- }
- if((a = FindToolType(c, toolt[5])))
- {
- if(MatchToolValue(toolt[0], a))
- args.edit = 1;
- else if(MatchToolValue(toolt[1], a))
- args.use = 1;
- else if(MatchToolValue(toolt[2], a))
- args.save = 1;
- }
- }
- Work(&args);
- }
- #ifdef __MAXON__
- void main(void)
- #else
- void main(int argc, char **argv)
- #endif
- {
- struct Args args = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- #ifdef __SASC
- TestOS;
- if(!argc)
- wbmain((struct WBStartup *) argv);
- #endif
- if(!(rda = ReadArgs(PARAM, (LONG *) &args, 0)))
- Work(&args);
- }
- void Work(struct Args *args)
- {
- struct IntuiMessage *IntuiMessagePtr;
- ULONG run = 1;
- LONG Long;
- STRPTR txt;
- if(args->edit)
- args->use = args->save = 0;
- if(args->save)
- args->use = 0;
- if(
- !(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *) OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 37)) ||
- !(GadToolsBase = OpenLibrary("gadtools.library", 37)) ||
- !(UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library", 37)) ||
- !(GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *) OpenLibrary("graphics.library",37)))
- SDI_InitLocale(&locdat);
- SDI_LocaleStrings(&locdat, initloc, text);
- SDI_LocaleNewMenu(NewMenus, text + TEXT_START_MENUMAIN,
- if(!(IFFParseBase = OpenLibrary("iffparse.library", 37)))
- {
- PrintError(text[TEXT_LIB_REQUIRED], "iffparse.library", 37);
- }
- NewPackerList(&maindata);
- if(args->use || args->save)
- {
- if(!args->from)
- args->from = "";
- if(LoadFile(args->from, 0) ||
- (args->save && SaveFile((STRPTR)1 , 0)) ||
- SaveFile(0, 0))
- }
- if(args->createicons)
- NewMenus[11].nm_Flags |= CHECKED;
- if(args->from && LoadFile(args->from, 0))
- args->from = 0;
- if(!args->from && LoadFile(0, 0))
- LoadFile((STRPTR) 1, 0);
- if(!(Scr = LockPubScreen(args->pubscreen)) ||
- !(VisualInfo = GetVisualInfoA(Scr, 0)) ||
- DoWindow())
- do
- {
- if(Wait((1L<<window->UserPort->mp_SigBit)|SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- run = 0;
- else
- while(run && (IntuiMessagePtr = GT_GetIMsg(window->UserPort)))
- {
- switch(IntuiMessagePtr->Class)
- {
- Long = (ULONG) IntuiMessagePtr->Code;
- while(run && (ULONG) Long != MENUNULL)
- {
- switch(MENUNUM((ULONG) Long))
- {
- case 0: // Projekt
- switch(ITEMNUM((ULONG) Long))
- {
- case 0: // Open...
- if(PrefsFileReq(args->from, 0, text[TEXT_LOAD_PREFERENCES]))
- {
- args->from = namestring;
- LoadFile(args->from, 0);
- SetMainData();
- ResetListView(0, &maindata);
- }
- break;
- case 1: // Load Add...
- if(PrefsFileReq(args->from, 0, text[TEXT_LOAD_PREFERENCES]))
- {
- args->from = namestring;
- LoadFile(args->from, 1);
- ResetListView(0, &maindata);
- }
- break;
- case 2: // Save As...
- if(PrefsFileReq(args->from, 1, text[TEXT_SAVE_PREFERENCES]))
- {
- args->from = namestring;
- SaveFile(args->from, args->createicons);
- }
- break;
- case 4: run = 0; break; // Quit
- } break;
- case 1: // Edit
- switch(ITEMNUM((ULONG) Long))
- {
- case 0: // Reset To Defaults
- NewPackerList(&maindata);
- ResetListView(0, &maindata);
- break;
- case 1: // Last Saved
- LoadFile((STRPTR) 1, 0);
- SetMainData();
- ResetListView(0, &maindata);
- break;
- case 2: // Restore
- LoadFile(0, 0);
- SetMainData();
- ResetListView(0, &maindata);
- break;
- } break;
- case 2: // Settings
- args->createicons =
- ItemAddress(menus, (ULONG) Long)->Flags & CHECKED;
- break;
- }
- Long = (ULONG) ItemAddress(menus, (ULONG) Long)->NextSelect;
- } break;
- switch(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr)->GadgetID)
- {
- case STRING_TypeName:
- txt = STRINF(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr))->Buffer;
- FreeListView();
- CopyMem(txt, maindata.ld_curNode->pn_TypeName, TypeSIZE);
- ResetListView(~0, &maindata);
- break;
- case LISTVIEW: ResetListView(IntuiMessagePtr->Code, &maindata); break;
- case BUTTON_New:
- FreeListView();
- if(!NewPackerNode(&maindata, text[TEXT_ENTRY_NEW],
- DEFNODE(&maindata), maindata.ld_curNumber))
- ResetListView(~0, &maindata); break;
- case BUTTON_Delete:
- if(maindata.ld_curNumber)
- {
- FreeListView();
- Remove((struct Node *) maindata.ld_curNode);
- FreeMem(maindata.ld_curNode, sizeof(struct PackerNode));
- if(--maindata.ld_entries == maindata.ld_curNumber)
- --maindata.ld_curNumber;
- ResetListView(~0, &maindata);
- } break;
- case BUTTON_Up:
- if(maindata.ld_curNumber > 1)
- {
- struct Node *p;
- FreeListView();
- p = maindata.ld_curNode->pn_Node.ln_Pred->ln_Pred;
- Remove((struct Node *) maindata.ld_curNode);
- Insert(&maindata.ld_List, (struct Node *) maindata.ld_curNode, p);
- ResetListView(--maindata.ld_curNumber, &maindata);
- } break;
- case BUTTON_Down:
- if(maindata.ld_curNumber &&
- maindata.ld_curNumber != maindata.ld_entries - 1)
- {
- struct Node *p;
- FreeListView();
- p = maindata.ld_curNode->pn_Node.ln_Succ;
- Remove((struct Node *) maindata.ld_curNode);
- Insert(&maindata.ld_List, (struct Node *) maindata.ld_curNode, p);
- ResetListView(++maindata.ld_curNumber, &maindata);
- } break;
- case STRING_NamePatt:
- txt = STRINF(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr))->Buffer;
- // test if correct pattern
- CopyMem(txt, &maindata.ld_curNode->pn_NamePattern, NamePattSIZE);
- break;
- case STRING_FilePatt:
- txt = STRINF(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr))->Buffer;
- // test if correct pattern
- CopyMem(txt, &maindata.ld_curNode->pn_FilePattern, FilePattSIZE);
- break;
- case GETIMAGE: FileReq(); GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[3], window,
- 0, GTST_String, &maindata.ld_curNode->pn_StdID, GA_Disabled,
- maindata.ld_curNode->pn_Cycle, TAG_DONE);
- break;
- case STRING_LibraryName:
- txt = STRINF(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr))->Buffer;
- if((Long = SDIConvToUpper(txt)))
- {
- maindata.ld_curNode->pn_StdID = Long;
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[3], window,
- 0, GTST_String, &maindata.ld_curNode->pn_StdID, GA_Disabled,
- maindata.ld_curNode->pn_Cycle, TAG_DONE);
- }
- else
- {
- DisplayBeep(Scr);
- ActivateGadget(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr), window,0);
- }
- break;
- case INTEGER_Mode:
- Long = STRINF(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr))->LongInt;
- if((Long > 100) || (Long < 0))
- {
- DisplayBeep(Scr);
- ActivateGadget(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr), window,0);
- }
- else maindata.ld_curNode->pn_Mode = Long;
- break;
- case INTEGER_ChunkSize:
- Long = STRINF(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr))->LongInt;
- if(Long < 0)
- {
- DisplayBeep(Scr);
- ActivateGadget(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr), window,0);
- }
- else maindata.ld_curNode->pn_ChunkSize = Long;
- break;
- case CYCLE: maindata.ld_curNode->pn_Cycle = IntuiMessagePtr->Code;
- ResetListView(~0, &maindata); break;
- case INTEGER_TimeOut:
- Long = STRINF(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr))->LongInt;
- if(Long < 0 || Long > 0xFFFF)
- {
- DisplayBeep(Scr);
- ActivateGadget(GADGET(IntuiMessagePtr), window,0);
- }
- else TimeOut = Long;
- break;
- XPKM_Flags ^= XPKM_UseXFD; break;
- XPKM_Flags ^= XPKM_UseExternals; break;
- case CHECKBOX_Password:
- XPKM_Flags ^= XPKM_AutoPassword; break;
- case BUTTON_Save:
- if(!SaveFile((STRPTR) 1, 0))
- if(!SaveFile(0, 0))
- run = 0;
- break;
- case BUTTON_Use: if(!SaveFile(0, 0)) run = 0; break;
- case BUTTON_Chancel: run = 0; break;
- } break;
- }
- GT_ReplyIMsg(IntuiMessagePtr);
- }
- }
- while(run);
- }
- {
- ULONG i;
- ULONG out = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- if(!SDI_isalnum(b[i]))
- return 0;
- out = (out<<8) + SDI_toupper(b[i]);
- }
- return out;
- }
- /* ----------------------- loading functions --------------------------- */
- void CorrectAdr(APTR pos, APTR mempos)
- { // changes relative addresses into normal ones
- if(*(ULONG *)pos)
- *(ULONG *)pos += (ULONG) mempos;
- }
- void CopyStrings(STRPTR from, STRPTR to, ULONG Size)
- {
- ULONG i;
- if(from)
- {
- if((i = SDI_strlen(from)) > Size)
- i = Size;
- CopyMem(from, to, i);
- }
- }
- void CopyLibName(struct XpkTypeData *p, struct PackerNode *n)
- {
- if(p->xtd_Flags & XTD_NoPack)
- n->pn_Cycle = 1;
- else if(p->xtd_Flags & XTD_ReturnError || !p->xtd_StdID)
- n->pn_Cycle = 2;
- else
- {
- n->pn_Cycle = 0;
- n->pn_StdID = p->xtd_StdID;
- }
- }
- void ReadXPKM(struct XpkMainPrefs *pref, struct ListData *dat)
- {
- struct PackerNode *n = DEFNODE(dat);
- struct XpkTypeData *p;
- CorrectAdr(&pref->xmp_DefaultType, pref);
- p = pref->xmp_DefaultType;
- CopyLibName(p, n);
- n->pn_Mode = p->xtd_Mode;
- n->pn_ChunkSize = p->xtd_ChunkSize;
- TimeOut = pref->xmp_Timeout;
- XPKM_Flags = pref->xmp_Flags;
- }
- ULONG ReadXPKT(struct XpkTypePrefs *pref, struct ListData *dat)
- {
- struct PackerNode *n;
- CorrectAdr(&pref->xtp_NamePattern, pref);
- CorrectAdr(&pref->xtp_FilePattern, pref);
- CorrectAdr(&pref->xtp_TypeName, pref);
- CorrectAdr(&pref->xtp_PackerData, pref);
- if(!pref->xtp_TypeName)
- pref->xtp_TypeName = text[TEXT_ENTRY_NEW];
- if(!(n = NewPackerNode(dat, pref->xtp_TypeName, 0, dat->ld_curNumber)))
- return 2;
- CopyStrings(pref->xtp_NamePattern, n->pn_NamePattern, NamePattSIZE);
- CopyStrings(pref->xtp_FilePattern, n->pn_FilePattern, FilePattSIZE);
- CopyLibName(pref->xtp_PackerData, n);
- n->pn_Mode = pref->xtp_PackerData->xtd_Mode;
- n->pn_ChunkSize = pref->xtp_PackerData->xtd_ChunkSize;
- return 0;
- }
- ULONG LoadFile(STRPTR file, ULONG addmode)
- {
- // addmode only processes PRHD and XPKT chunks (not XPKM) -- adds the
- // chunks to the list -- no replacement
- struct ContextNode *cn;
- struct IFFHandle *iff;
- ULONG data = (ULONG) file > 1 ? 1 : 0;
- ULONG error = 0;
- if(file == (STRPTR) 1)
- file = "ENVARC:xpkmaster.prefs";
- else if(!file)
- file = "ENV:xpkmaster.prefs";
- if((iff = AllocIFF()))
- {
- if((iff->iff_Stream = Open(file, MODE_OLDFILE)))
- {
- InitIFFasDOS(iff);
- if(!(error = OpenIFF(iff, IFFF_READ)))
- {
- if(!(error = StopChunks(iff, a, 3)))
- {
- STRPTR buf;
- ULONG Flags = (addmode ? 2 : 0);
- while(!error)
- {
- if((error = ParseIFF(iff,IFFPARSE_SCAN)))
- break;
- cn = CurrentChunk(iff);
- if(!addmode && cn->cn_ID != ID_PRHD)
- { // clear list only when XPKT or XPKM and not addmode
- NewPackerList(&maindata); addmode = 1;
- }
- if((buf = (STRPTR) AllocMem(cn->cn_Size, MEMF_ANY|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- ReadChunkBytes(iff,buf,cn->cn_Size);
- switch(cn->cn_ID)
- {
- case ID_PRHD:
- if(!(Flags & 1))
- {
- if(((struct PrefHeader *) buf)->ph_Version > PREF_VERSION)
- PrintError(text[TEXT_VERSION_TO_HIGH]);
- Flags |= 1;
- } break;
- case ID_XPKM:
- if(!(Flags & 2))
- {
- ReadXPKM((struct XpkMainPrefs *) buf, &maindata);
- Flags |= 2;
- } break;
- case ID_XPKT:
- error = ReadXPKT((struct XpkTypePrefs *) buf, &maindata);
- break;
- }
- FreeMem(buf, cn->cn_Size);
- }
- else error = 2;
- }
- if(error == IFFERR_EOF)
- error = 0;
- }
- CloseIFF(iff);
- }
- Close(iff->iff_Stream);
- }
- else if(data)
- {
- UBYTE err[100];
- Fault(IoErr(), 0, err, 100);
- PrintError(text[TEXT_ERROR_FILEACCESS], file, &err);
- error = 1;
- }
- else
- error = 1;
- FreeIFF(iff);
- }
- if(error && error != 1)
- return error;
- }
- /* ----------------------- saving functions ---------------------------- */
- ULONG CopyData(STRPTR from, ULONG *to, APTR data, STRPTR *entry)
- {
- ULONG i = SDI_strlen(from);
- if(!(*from))
- return 0;
- CopyMem(from, (STRPTR) data + *to, i);
- *entry = (STRPTR) *to;
- *to += ++i;
- }
- #define XPKM_Size (sizeof(struct XpkMainPrefs) + \
- sizeof(struct XpkTypeData))
- #define xpkm ((struct XpkMainPrefs *) data)
- #define xpkd ((struct XpkTypeData *) (data + sizeof(struct XpkMainPrefs)))
- ULONG WriteXPKM(struct IFFHandle *iff)
- {
- STRPTR data;
- struct PackerNode *r = DEFNODE(&maindata);
- ULONG ptr = sizeof(struct XpkMainPrefs), error;
- if(!r->pn_Cycle && !r->pn_StdID)
- {
- PrintError(text[TEXT_ILLEGAL_ENTRY], text[GADG_Library_Name], 1, r->pn_TypeName);
- return 1;
- }
- if((data = (STRPTR) AllocMem(XPKM_Size, MEMF_ANY|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- // xpkm->xmp_Version = 0; /* structure version */
- xpkm->xmp_Flags = XPKM_Flags;
- xpkm->xmp_Timeout = TimeOut;
- xpkm->xmp_DefaultType = (struct XpkTypeData *) ptr;
- ptr += sizeof(struct XpkTypeData);
- switch(r->pn_Cycle)
- {
- case 0:
- xpkd->xtd_Mode = r->pn_Mode;
- xpkd->xtd_ChunkSize = r->pn_ChunkSize;
- xpkd->xtd_StdID = r->pn_StdID;
- break;
- case 1: xpkd->xtd_Flags |= XTD_NoPack; break;
- case 2: xpkd->xtd_Flags |= XTD_ReturnError; break;
- }
- if(!(error = PushChunk(iff, 0, ID_XPKM, ptr)))
- {
- if(WriteChunkBytes(iff, data, ptr) != ptr)
- error = 3;
- else
- error = PopChunk(iff);
- }
- FreeMem(data, XPKM_Size);
- }
- else
- error = 2;
- return error;
- }
- #define xpkt ((struct XpkTypePrefs *) data)
- #define xtd ((struct XpkTypeData *) (data + sizeof(struct XpkTypePrefs)))
- #define XPKT_Size (TypeSIZE + 1 + NamePattSIZE + 1 + \
- FilePattSIZE + 1 + sizeof(struct XpkTypePrefs)) \
- + sizeof(struct XpkTypeData)
- ULONG WriteXPKT(struct IFFHandle *iff, struct PackerNode *r, ULONG num)
- {
- STRPTR data;
- ULONG error, ptr = sizeof(struct XpkTypePrefs) + sizeof(struct XpkTypeData);
- if(!r->pn_Cycle && !r->pn_StdID)
- {
- PrintError(text[TEXT_ILLEGAL_ENTRY], text[GADG_Library_Name], num+1, r->pn_TypeName);
- return 1;
- }
- else if(!r->pn_NamePattern[0] && !r->pn_FilePattern[0])
- {
- PrintError(text[TEXT_ILLEGAL_ENTRY], text[GADG_File_Pattern], num+1, r->pn_TypeName);
- return 1;
- }
- if((data = (STRPTR) AllocMem(XPKT_Size, MEMF_ANY|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- {
- if(CopyData(r->pn_NamePattern, &ptr, data, &xpkt->xtp_NamePattern))
- xpkt->xtp_Flags |= XPKT_NamePattern;
- if(CopyData(r->pn_FilePattern, &ptr, data, &xpkt->xtp_FilePattern))
- xpkt->xtp_Flags |= XPKT_FilePattern;
- CopyData(r->pn_TypeName, &ptr, data, &xpkt->xtp_TypeName);
- xpkt->xtp_PackerData = (struct XpkTypeData *) sizeof(struct XpkTypePrefs);
- switch(r->pn_Cycle)
- {
- case 0:
- xtd->xtd_Mode = r->pn_Mode;
- xtd->xtd_ChunkSize = r->pn_ChunkSize;
- xtd->xtd_StdID = r->pn_StdID;
- break;
- case 1: xtd->xtd_Flags |= XTD_NoPack; break;
- case 2: xtd->xtd_Flags |= XTD_ReturnError; break;
- }
- if(!(error = PushChunk(iff, 0, ID_XPKT, ptr)))
- {
- if(WriteChunkBytes(iff, data, ptr) != ptr)
- error = 3;
- else
- error = PopChunk(iff);
- }
- FreeMem(data, XPKT_Size);
- }
- else
- error = 2;
- return error;
- }
- ULONG SaveFile(STRPTR file, ULONG icons)
- {
- struct IFFHandle *iff;
- ULONG error = 0;
- if(file == (STRPTR) 1)
- file = "ENVARC:xpkmaster.prefs";
- else if(!file)
- file = "ENV:xpkmaster.prefs";
- if((iff = AllocIFF()))
- {
- if((iff->iff_Stream = Open(file, MODE_NEWFILE)))
- {
- InitIFFasDOS(iff);
- if(!(error = OpenIFF(iff, IFFF_WRITE)))
- {
- if(!(error = PushChunk(iff, ID_PREF, ID_FORM, IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN)))
- {
- if(!(error = PushChunk(iff, 0, ID_PRHD, sizeof(struct PrefHeader))))
- {
- struct PrefHeader a = {PREF_VERSION, 0, 0};
- if(WriteChunkBytes(iff, &a, sizeof(struct PrefHeader))
- == sizeof(struct PrefHeader))
- {
- if(!(error = PopChunk(iff)))
- {
- if(!(error = WriteXPKM(iff)))
- {
- struct Node *n = FindNode(&maindata.ld_List, 1);
- ULONG num = 1, a;
- for(a = maindata.ld_entries-1; a; --a)
- {
- if((error = WriteXPKT(iff, (struct PackerNode *) n, num)))
- break;
- n = n->ln_Succ; ++num;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- error = 2;
- }
- if(!error)
- error = PopChunk(iff);
- }
- CloseIFF(iff);
- }
- Close(iff->iff_Stream);
- if(error)
- DeleteFile(file);
- }
- else
- {
- UBYTE err[100];
- Fault(IoErr(), 0, err, 100);
- PrintError(text[TEXT_ERROR_FILEACCESS], file, &err);
- error = 1;
- }
- FreeIFF(iff);
- }
- if(!error && icons)
- {
- ULONG i = SDI_strlen(file);
- if((a = (STRPTR) AllocMem(i+1+5, MEMF_ANY)))
- {
- ULONG fh;
- CopyMem(file, a, i);
- CopyMem(".info", a+i, 6);
- if((fh = Open(a, MODE_NEWFILE)))
- {
- Write(fh, PicData, PicSize);
- Close(fh);
- }
- FreeMem(a, i+1+5);
- }
- }
- if(error && error != 1)
- return error;
- }
- /* ---------------------- graphics functions --------------------------- */
- void PrintError(STRPTR txt, ...)
- {
- struct EasyStruct easystruct;
- SDI_memset(&easystruct, 0, sizeof(struct EasyStruct));
- easystruct.es_StructSize = sizeof(struct EasyStruct);
- easystruct.es_Title = text[TEXT_TITLE_ERR_REQUEST];
- easystruct.es_TextFormat = txt;
- easystruct.es_GadgetFormat = text[GADGS_ERR_REQUEST];
- EasyRequestArgs(window, &easystruct, 0, (APTR)
- ((ULONG) &txt + sizeof(STRPTR)));
- }
- void FileReq(void)
- {
- ULONG Long;
- UBYTE libname[] = "x..____.library";
- struct FileRequester *r;
- CopyMem(&maindata.ld_curNode->pn_StdID, libname+3, 4);
- if(libname[3] == 'X')
- {
- libname[1] = 'e'; libname[2] = 'x';
- }
- else
- {
- libname[1] = 'p'; libname[2] = 'k';
- }
- if((AslBase = OpenLibrary("asl.library", 37)))
- {
- if((r = (struct FileRequester *) AllocAslRequest(ASL_FileRequest, 0)))
- {
- if((AslRequestTags(r, ASLFR_TitleText, text[TEXT_SELECT_LIBRARY],
- ASLFR_InitialFile, libname,
- ASLFR_InitialDrawer, "LIBS:compressors", ASLFR_DoSaveMode, FALSE,
- ASLFR_InitialPattern, "(xpk|xex)????.library", TAG_DONE)))
- if((!SDI_strncmp(r->fr_File, "xpk", 3) ||
- !SDI_strncmp(r->fr_File, "xex", 3) &&
- !SDI_strcmp(r->fr_File+7, ".library")) &&
- (Long = SDIConvToUpper(r->fr_File+3)))
- maindata.ld_curNode->pn_StdID = Long;
- else
- DisplayBeep(Scr);
- FreeAslRequest(r);
- }
- CloseLibrary(AslBase);
- AslBase = 0;
- }
- else
- PrintError(text[TEXT_LIB_REQUIRED], "asl.library", 37);
- }
- ULONG PrefsFileReq(STRPTR dir, ULONG mode, STRPTR title)
- {
- ULONG error = 0;
- struct FileRequester *r;
- if((AslBase = OpenLibrary("asl.library", 37)))
- {
- if((r = (struct FileRequester *) AllocAslRequest(ASL_FileRequest, 0)))
- {
- UBYTE d[200], *f = 0;
- if(dir)
- {
- CopyMem(dir, d, 200);
- if((f = FilePart(dir)))
- d[f-dir] = 0;
- }
- if((AslRequestTags(r, ASLFR_TitleText, title,
- ASLFR_InitialDrawer, dir ? d : "SYS:Prefs/Presets",
- ASLFR_DoSaveMode, mode, (f ? ASLFR_InitialFile : TAG_DONE), f,
- // only give ASLFR_InitialFile, when f is not zero, because else
- // asl.library makes Enforcer hit!
- {
- CopyMem(r->fr_Drawer, namestring, SDI_strlen(r->fr_Drawer)+1);
- AddPart(namestring, r->fr_File, 256);
- error = 1;
- }
- FreeAslRequest(r);
- }
- CloseLibrary(AslBase);
- AslBase = 0;
- }
- else
- PrintError(text[TEXT_LIB_REQUIRED], "asl.library", 37);
- return error;
- }
- void FreeListView(void)
- {
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[0], window, 0, GTLV_Labels, ~0, TAG_DONE);
- }
- void ResetListView(ULONG number, struct ListData *dat)
- {
- STRPTR lib = "";
- if(number == ~0)
- number = dat->ld_curNumber;
- dat->ld_curNode = (struct PackerNode *) FindNode(&dat->ld_List, number);
- // NamePattern
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[1], window, 0, GTST_String,
- dat->ld_curNode->pn_NamePattern, GA_Disabled, !number, TAG_DONE);
- // FilePattern
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[2], window, 0, GTST_String,
- dat->ld_curNode->pn_FilePattern, GA_Disabled, !number, TAG_DONE);
- // Cycle
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[7], window, 0, GTCY_Active,
- dat->ld_curNode->pn_Cycle, TAG_DONE);
- // Listview
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[0], window, 0, GTLV_Labels, &dat->ld_List,
- GTLV_Selected, number, GTLV_Top, ((LONG) number - 5 < 0 ?
- 0 : number - 5), TAG_DONE);
- if(dat->ld_curNode->pn_StdID)
- lib = (STRPTR) &dat->ld_curNode->pn_StdID;
- // Name
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[3], window, 0, GTST_String,
- lib, GA_Disabled, dat->ld_curNode->pn_Cycle, TAG_DONE);
- // GetImage
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[4], window, 0, GA_Disabled,
- dat->ld_curNode->pn_Cycle, TAG_DONE);
- // Mode
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[5], window, 0, GTIN_Number,
- dat->ld_curNode->pn_Mode, GA_Disabled, dat->ld_curNode->pn_Cycle,
- // ChunkSize
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[6], window, 0, GTIN_Number,
- dat->ld_curNode->pn_ChunkSize, GA_Disabled, dat->ld_curNode->pn_Cycle,
- dat->ld_curNumber = number;
- }
- void SetMainData(void)
- {
- ULONG i;
- for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[9+i], window, 0, GTCB_Checked,
- XPKM_Flags & (1<<i), TAG_DONE);
- }
- GT_SetGadgetAttrs(gadgdata[8], window, 0, GTIN_Number, TimeOut, TAG_DONE);
- }
- ULONG DoWindow(void)
- {
- UWORD winwidth, winheight;
- STRPTR *txt = text + GADG_New;
- ULONG i, j, k;
- struct Gadget *g;
- struct NewGadget ng;
- SDI_memset(&ng, 0, sizeof(struct NewGadget));
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = Scr->WBorLeft + SEPARATE_BORD;
- ng.ng_TopEdge = Scr->WBorTop + Scr->Font->ta_YSize + 1 + SEPARATE_BORD;
- ng.ng_Height = Scr->Font->ta_YSize+5;
- ng.ng_TextAttr = Scr->Font;
- ng.ng_GadgetID = 100;
- ng.ng_VisualInfo = VisualInfo;
- if(!(g = CreateContext(&gadgList)))
- return 1;
- for(i = k = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- ng.ng_Width = 7 + TextLength(&Scr->RastPort, txt[i], SDI_strlen(txt[i]));
- if(ng.ng_Width > k)
- k = ng.ng_Width;
- }
- ng.ng_Width = k << 2;
- if(!(g = CreateGadget(STRING_KIND, g, &ng, GTST_MaxChars, TypeSIZE, TAG_DONE)))
- return 2;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_Height *= 10;
- if(!(gadgdata[0] = g = CreateGadget(LISTVIEW_KIND,g,&ng,
- GTLV_ShowSelected, g, TAG_DONE)))
- return 3;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = Scr->WBorLeft + SEPARATE_BORD;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += g->Height + Scr->Font->ta_YSize+5;
- ng.ng_Height = Scr->Font->ta_YSize+5;
- ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_IN;
- ng.ng_Width = k;
- for(i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
- {
- ng.ng_GadgetText = *(txt++);
- if(!(g = CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND, g, &ng, 0)))
- return 4;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge += ng.ng_Width;
- }
- winheight = ng.ng_TopEdge + ng.ng_Height + SEPARATE_DIFF;
- ng.ng_TopEdge = Scr->WBorTop + Scr->Font->ta_YSize + 1 + SEPARATE_BORD;
- txt = text + GADG_Name_Pattern;
- for(i = k = 0; i < 6; ++i)
- {
- j = 7 + TextLength(&Scr->RastPort, txt[i], SDI_strlen(txt[i]));
- if(j > k)
- k = j;
- }
- j = ng.ng_LeftEdge + SEPARATE_DIFF; /* store startpos */
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = j + k;
- ng.ng_Width = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- k = 50 + TextLength(&Scr->RastPort, tx[i], SDI_strlen(tx[i]));
- if(k > ng.ng_Width)
- ng.ng_Width = k;
- } /* width of gadgets is the one of the cycle gadget */
- ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_LEFT;
- winwidth = ng.ng_LeftEdge + ng.ng_Width; /* set resulting window width */
- for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- ng.ng_GadgetText = *(txt++);
- if(!(gadgdata[i+1] = g = CreateGadget(STRING_KIND,g,&ng, GTST_MaxChars,
- (i ? FilePattSIZE : NamePattSIZE), TAG_DONE)))
- return 5;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += ng.ng_Height + SEPARATE_SAME;
- }
- ng.ng_Width -= ng.ng_Height;
- ng.ng_GadgetText = *(txt++);
- if(!(gadgdata[3] = g = CreateGadget(STRING_KIND,g,&ng, GTST_MaxChars, 4,
- return 6;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_GadgetText = 0;
- k = ng.ng_Width;
- ng.ng_Width = ng.ng_Height;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge += k;
- if(!(gadgdata[4] = g = CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND,g,&ng, 0)))
- return 7;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge -= k;
- ng.ng_Width += k;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += ng.ng_Height + SEPARATE_SAME;
- for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
- {
- ng.ng_GadgetText = *(txt++);
- if(!(gadgdata[i+5] = g = CreateGadget(INTEGER_KIND,g,&ng,
- return 8;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += ng.ng_Height + SEPARATE_SAME;
- }
- ng.ng_GadgetText = *txt;
- if(!(gadgdata[7] = g = CreateGadget(CYCLE_KIND,g,&ng, GTCY_Labels,
- return 9;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += ng.ng_Height + SEPARATE_DIFF;
- txt = text + GADG_Use_XFD;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = j;
- for(i = k = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- ng.ng_Width = 50 + TextLength(&Scr->RastPort, txt[i], SDI_strlen(txt[i]));
- if(ng.ng_Width > k)
- k = ng.ng_Width;
- }
- ng.ng_GadgetText = txt[3];
- ng.ng_LeftEdge += k + ng.ng_Height;
- if((ng.ng_Width = 7 + TextLength(&Scr->RastPort, txt[3],
- SDI_strlen(txt[3]))) < Scr->RastPort.TxWidth << 3)
- ng.ng_Width = Scr->RastPort.TxWidth << 3;
- ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_BELOW;
- if(!(gadgdata[8] = g = CreateGadget(INTEGER_KIND,g,&ng, GTIN_MaxChars, 5, STRINGA_Justification,
- return 10;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge -= k + ng.ng_Height;
- ng.ng_Width = ng.ng_Height;
- ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_RIGHT;
- for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- ng.ng_GadgetText = *(txt++);
- if(!(gadgdata[9+i] = g = CreateGadgetA(CHECKBOX_KIND,g,&ng,0)))
- return 11;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += ng.ng_Height;
- }
- if(winheight < ng.ng_TopEdge + 5)
- winheight = ng.ng_TopEdge + SEPARATE_DIFF;
- ng.ng_TopEdge = winheight;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = Scr->WBorLeft + SEPARATE_BORD;
- ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_IN;
- txt = text + GADG_Save;
- ng.ng_Width = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- k = 7 + TextLength(&Scr->RastPort, txt[i], SDI_strlen(txt[i]));
- if(k >ng.ng_Width)
- ng.ng_Width = k;
- }
- k = (winwidth - SEPARATE_BORD - 3*ng.ng_Width)/6;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge += k;
- for(i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
- {
- ng.ng_GadgetText = *(txt++);
- if(!(g = CreateGadgetA(BUTTON_KIND, g, &ng, 0)))
- return 12;
- ++ng.ng_GadgetID;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge += ng.ng_Width + (k<<1);
- }
- winwidth += Scr->WBorRight + SEPARATE_BORD;
- winheight += Scr->WBorBottom + ng.ng_Height + SEPARATE_BORD;
- if(winwidth > Scr->Width || winheight > Scr->Height)
- {
- PrintError(text[TEXT_NO_WINDOW],0);
- return 20;
- }
- if(!(menus = CreateMenusA(NewMenus, 0)))
- return 21;
- LayoutMenus(menus, VisualInfo, GTMN_NewLookMenus, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- if(!(window = OpenWindowTags(0,
- WA_Top, Scr->BarHeight + 1,
- WA_Width, winwidth,
- WA_Height, winheight,
- WA_Gadgets, gadgList,
- WA_Title, text[TEXT_WINDOW_TITLE],
- WA_AutoAdjust, TRUE,
- WA_Activate, TRUE,
- WA_NewLookMenus,TRUE,
- WA_PubScreen, Scr,
- return 22;
- ResetListView(0, &maindata);
- SetMainData();
- SetMenuStrip(window, menus);
- GT_RefreshWindow(window,0);
- ScreenToFront(Scr);
- return 0;
- }
- /* --------------------------- list functions -------------------------- */
- void NewPackerList(struct ListData *ld)
- {
- if(ld->ld_entries)
- FreePackerList(ld);
- if(!NewPackerNode(&maindata, text[TEXT_ENTRY_DEFAULT], 0, 0))
- maindata.ld_curNode->pn_Cycle = DEF_CYCLE;
- }
- void FreePackerList(struct ListData *li)
- {
- struct Node *n;
- while((n = RemHead(&li->ld_List)))
- FreeMem(n, sizeof(struct PackerNode));
- li->ld_curNumber = li->ld_entries = 0;
- li->ld_curNode = 0;
- }
- struct Node *FindNode(struct List *li, ULONG num)
- {
- struct Node *n = li->lh_Head;
- ++num;
- if(n == (struct Node *) li)
- return 0;
- while(--num)
- {
- if(n == li->lh_TailPred)
- return 0;
- n = n->ln_Succ;
- }
- return n;
- }
- struct PackerNode *NewPackerNode(struct ListData *li, STRPTR name,
- struct PackerNode *pref, ULONG mode)
- {
- struct PackerNode *n;
- ULONG i;
- if(!(n = (struct PackerNode *) AllocMem(sizeof(struct PackerNode), MEMF_ANY|MEMF_CLEAR)))
- return 0;
- if(pref)
- CopyMem((STRPTR) pref + sizeof(struct Node), (STRPTR) n +
- sizeof(struct Node), sizeof(struct PackerNode) - sizeof(struct Node));
- n->pn_Node.ln_Name = n->pn_TypeName;
- n->pn_Node.ln_Type = mode ? PACKER_NODE : DEFAULT_NODE;
- if((i = SDI_strlen(name) + 1) > TypeSIZE)
- i = TypeSIZE;
- CopyMem(name, &n->pn_TypeName, i);
- if(li)
- {
- struct Node *p;
- if((p = FindNode(&li->ld_List, mode)))
- {
- Insert(&li->ld_List, (struct Node *) n, p);
- li->ld_curNumber = mode + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- AddTail(&li->ld_List, (struct Node *) n);
- li->ld_curNumber = li->ld_entries;
- }
- li->ld_curNode = n;
- ++li->ld_entries;
- }
- return (struct PackerNode *) n;
- }
- /* ---------------------- the cleanup stuff ---------------------------- */
- void end(void)
- {
- if(diskobject) FreeDiskObject(diskobject);
- if(window) CloseWindow(window);
- if(menus) FreeMenus(menus);
- if(gadgList) FreeGadgets(gadgList);
- if(VisualInfo) FreeVisualInfo(VisualInfo);
- if(Scr) UnlockPubScreen(0, Scr);
- if(GfxBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *) GfxBase);
- if(UtilityBase) CloseLibrary(UtilityBase);
- if(GadToolsBase) CloseLibrary(GadToolsBase);
- if(IntuitionBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *) IntuitionBase);
- if(IconBase) CloseLibrary(IconBase);
- if(rda) FreeArgs(rda);
- FreePackerList(&maindata);
- SDI_FreeLocale(&locdat);
- if(lock) CurrentDir(lock);
- }